Creating URLs

Let’s go back to our home route to add links to the list of articles. Open up blog/ and modify the home function to look like the following:

@router.route('home', '/')
def home(ctx):
    html = ''
    for article in ctx.orm.query(db.Article):
        url = ctx.url('article', article)
        html += '<a href="%s">%s</a><br>' % (url, article.title)
    return html

If you visit http://localhost:8080, you should now have a nice list of articles, each with a hyperlink to the article page itself.

As you can see in the code, the context object ctx provides a function for creating URLs. This function is a so-called context member, and was registered automatically by the score.http module during its initialization.

The most interesting part is the function signature: The route is again passed the whole object, instead of an article id. This is merely the continuation of the philosopy explained earlier: To create a URL to a route, pass it the exact same arguments the function itself expects. The score.http module will usually take care of all required conversions. You can read up on the details of the routing in the module documentation.

Let’s review what we have done in the final chapter of the tutorial.