Source code for score.http._init

# Copyright © 2015-2017 STRG.AT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
# This file is part of the The SCORE Framework.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are free software: you can redistribute
# them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which is in the
# file named COPYING.LESSER.txt.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are distributed without any WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details see the GNU Lesser General Public
# License.
# If you have not received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License see
# The License-Agreement realised between you as Licensee and STRG.AT GmbH as
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from score.init import (
    parse_list, parse_dotted_path, extract_conf, parse_bool, ConfigurationError)
import re
from score.init import ConfiguredModule
import inspect
import functools
from ._urltpl import MissingVariable, InvalidVariable
from webob import Request, Response
from webob.exc import (
    HTTPMovedPermanently, HTTPFound, HTTPNotFound, HTTPException,
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
import urllib

defaults = {
    'debug': False,
    'preroutes': [],
    'urlbase': None,
    'ctx.member.url': 'url',
    'serve.ip': '',
    'serve.port': 8080,
    'serve.threaded': False,

[docs]def init(confdict, ctx, orm=None, tpl=None): """ Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`router` Path to the :class:`RouteConfiguration` containing the list of routes to compile. :confkey:`preroutes` :confdefault:`list()` List of :term:`preroute` functions to call before invoking the actual route. See :ref:`http_routing` for details. :confkey:`handler.*` Keys starting with "``handler.``" are interpreted as :ref:`error handlers <http_error_handler>`. :confkey:`debug` :confdefault:`False` Setting this to `True` will enable the `werkzeug debugger`_ for your application. :confkey:`urlbase` :confdefault:`None` This will be the prefix for all URLs generated by the module. The module will create relative URLs by default (i.e. `/Sir%20Lancelot`), but you can make it create absolute URLs by default by paassing this configuration value. If you configure this to be '', your URL would be ''. Note that you can always decide, whether a *certain* URL should be absolute or relative, by passing the appropriate argument to :meth:`ConfiguredHttpModule.url`. :confkey:`ctx.member.url` :confdefault:`url` The name of the :term:`context member` function for generating URLs. :confkey:`serve.ip` :confdefault:`` This will be the ip address your HTTP server will bind_ to, when using :mod:`score.serve` to serve your application. :confkey:`serve.port` :confdefault:`8080` This will be the port of your HTTP server, when using :mod:`score.serve` to serve your application. :confkey:`serve.threaded` :confdefault:`False` Setting this to `True` will make your HTTP server threaded, which should increase its performance. Note that your application will need to be thread-safe_, if you want to enable this feature. .. _werkzeug debugger: .. _bind: .. _thread-safe: """ conf = dict(defaults.items()) conf.update(confdict) if 'router' not in conf: import score.http raise ConfigurationError(score.http, 'No router provided') router = parse_dotted_path(conf['router']) preroutes = list(map(parse_dotted_path, parse_list(conf['preroutes']))) error_handlers = {} exception_handlers = {} for error, handler in extract_conf(conf, 'handler.').items(): if re.match('\d(\d\d|XX)', error): error_handlers[error] = parse_dotted_path(handler) else: error = parse_dotted_path(error) exception_handlers[error] = handler debug = parse_bool(conf['debug']) if not conf['urlbase']: conf['urlbase'] = '' http = ConfiguredHttpModule( ctx, orm, tpl, router, preroutes, error_handlers, exception_handlers, debug, conf['urlbase'], conf['serve.ip'], int(conf['serve.port']), parse_bool(conf['serve.threaded'])) def constructor(ctx): def url(*args, **kwargs): return http.url(ctx, *args, **kwargs) return url ctx.register(conf['ctx.member.url'], constructor) return http
log = logging.getLogger('score.http.router')
[docs]class Route: """ A :term:`route` representation. """ def __init__(self, conf, route): self.conf = conf = self.urltpl = route.urltpl if isinstance(self.urltpl, str): self.urltpl = conf.url_class(self.urltpl) self.tpl = route.tpl self.callback = route.callback self.preconditions = route.preconditions self._match2vars = route._match2vars self._vars2url = route._vars2url self._vars2urlparts = route._vars2urlparts @property def callback(self): return self._callback @callback.setter def callback(self, callback): self._callback = callback functools.update_wrapper(self, self.callback)
[docs] def url(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates the URL to this route with given arguments. """ urlbase = '' absolute = True if '_absolute' in kwargs: absolute = kwargs['_absolute'] del kwargs['_absolute'] assert '_relative' not in kwargs elif '_relative' in kwargs: absolute = not kwargs['_relative'] del kwargs['_relative'] query = '' if '_query' in kwargs: if kwargs['_query']: query = '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(kwargs['_query']) del kwargs['_query'] anchor = '' if '_anchor' in kwargs: if kwargs['_anchor']: anchor = '#' + urllib.parse.quote(kwargs['_anchor']) del kwargs['_anchor'] if absolute: try: urlbase = kwargs['_urlbase'] del kwargs['_urlbase'] except KeyError: urlbase = self.conf.urlbase if self._vars2url: url = self._vars2url(ctx, *args, **kwargs) else: if self._vars2urlparts: kwargs.update(self._vars2urlparts(ctx, *args, **kwargs)) self._args2kwargs(args, kwargs) variables = self._kwargs2vars(kwargs) url = self.urltpl.generate(**variables) if urlbase: url = urlbase + url return url + query + anchor
def _args2kwargs(self, args, kwargs): if not args: return params = inspect.signature(self.callback).parameters for i, name in enumerate(params): if name not in kwargs: kwargs[name] = args[i - 1] def _kwargs2vars(self, kwargs): variables = {} for name in self.urltpl.variables: if name in kwargs: variables[name] = kwargs[name] continue parts = name.split('.') if parts[0] not in kwargs: raise MissingVariable(parts[0]) current = kwargs[parts[0]] for part in parts[1:]: try: current = getattr(current, part) except AttributeError: raise InvalidVariable( 'Could not retrieve "%s" from %s' % ('.'.join(parts[1:]), kwargs[parts[0]])) variables[name] = current return variables def _call_match2vars(self, ctx, match): variables = self.urltpl.match2vars(ctx, match) if self._match2vars: newvars = self._match2vars(ctx, variables) if not newvars: log.debug(' %s: registered match2vars() could not ' 'convert variables (%s)' % (, variables)) return None variables = newvars else: # remove matches containing dots variables = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in variables.items() if '.' not in k) for callback in self.preconditions: if not callback(ctx, **variables): log.debug(' %s: precondition failed (%s)' % (, callback)) return None return variables def can_handle(self, request): match = self.urltpl.regex.match(urllib.parse.unquote(request.path)) if not match: return False ctx = self.conf.ctx.Context() ctx.http = self.conf.create_ctx_member(request) try: variables = self._call_match2vars(ctx, match) if variables is None: return False except HTTPException: # the _match2vars function may raise an HTTPException, which implies # that this route would indeed be responsible for the given request, # but its implementation chose to handle it prematurely (i.e. before # the route callback itself was executed) pass return True def extract_variables(self, request): match = self.urltpl.regex.match(urllib.parse.unquote(request.path)) if not match: return None ctx = self.conf.ctx.Context() ctx.http = self.conf.create_ctx_member(request) try: return self._call_match2vars(ctx, match) except HTTPException as exception: # see can_handle() for the reason we're returning the exception here return exception def handle(self, ctx): request = ctx.http.request match = self.urltpl.regex.match(urllib.parse.unquote(request.path)) if not match: log.debug(' %s: No regex match (%s)' % (, self.urltpl.regex.pattern)) return None try: variables = self._call_match2vars(ctx, match) if variables is None: return None log.debug(' %s: SUCCESS, invoking callback' % ( ctx.http.route = self ctx.http.route_vars = variables for preroute in self.conf.preroutes: preroute(ctx) result = self.callback(ctx, **variables) except HTTPException as response: result = response if isinstance(result, Response): ctx.http.response = result return result if isinstance(result, str): ctx.http.response.text = result elif self.tpl: if result is None: result = {} else: assert isinstance(result, dict) result['ctx'] = ctx ctx.http.response.text = self.conf.tpl.render(self.tpl, result) return ctx.http.response
[docs]class ConfiguredHttpModule(ConfiguredModule): """ This module's :class:`configuration class <score.init.ConfiguredModule>`. """ def __init__(self, ctx, orm, tpl, router, preroutes, error_handlers, exception_handlers, debug, urlbase, host, port, threaded): self.ctx = ctx self.orm = orm self.tpl = tpl self.router = router.clone() self.preroutes = preroutes self.error_handlers = error_handlers self.exception_handlers = exception_handlers self.debug = debug self.urlbase = urlbase = host self.port = port self.threaded = threaded
[docs] def route(self, name): """ Provides the :class:`Route` with given *name*. """ return self.routes[name]
def newroute(self, *args, **kwargs): assert not self._finalized return self.router.route(*args, **kwargs) def _finalize(self): self.routes = OrderedDict((, Route(self, route)) for route in self.router.sorted_routes()) for name, route in self.routes.items(): if not route._match2vars and self.orm: route._match2vars = self._mk_match2vars(route) if not log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): return msg = 'Compiled routes:' for name, route in self.routes.items(): msg += '\n - %s (%s)' % (name, route.urltpl) log.debug(msg) def _mk_match2vars(self, route): param2clsid = {} parameters = inspect.signature(route.callback).parameters test_redirect = False for i, (name, param) in enumerate(parameters.items()): if i == 0: continue if param.annotation is inspect.Parameter.empty: return cls = param.annotation if not issubclass(cls, self.orm.Base): return if ('' % name) in route.urltpl.variables: idcol = 'id' else: table = cls.__table__ for var in route.urltpl.variables: match = re.match('%s\.([^.]+)$' % name, var) if not match: continue col = # TODO: handle the case where the column is part of a parent # table if table.columns.get(col).unique: idcol = col break else: return if not test_redirect: for var in route.urltpl.variables: if var == '%s.%s' % (name, idcol): continue if var.startswith('%s.' % name): test_redirect = True break param2clsid[name] = (cls, idcol) if not param2clsid: return def match2vars(ctx, matches): result = {} for var, (cls, idcol) in param2clsid.items(): id = matches['%s.%s' % (var, idcol)] result[name] = self.orm.get_session(ctx).query(cls).\ filter(getattr(cls, idcol) == id).\ first() if result[name] is None: return if test_redirect and ctx.http.request.method == 'GET': realpath = urllib.parse.unquote( route.url(ctx, _relative=True, **result)) if urllib.parse.unquote(ctx.http.request.path) != realpath: # need to create the url a second time to incorporate the # query string ctx.http.redirect(route.url( ctx, _query=ctx.http.request.GET, **result)) return result return match2vars
[docs] def url(self, ctx, route, *args, **kwargs): """ Shortcut for ``route(route).url(ctx, *args, **kwargs)``. """ return self.route(route).url(ctx, *args, **kwargs)
def get_serve_runners(self): if not hasattr(self, '_serve_runners'): import score.serve class Runner(score.serve.SocketServerRunner): def _mkserver(runner): from werkzeug.serving import make_server return make_server(, self.port, self.mkwsgi(), threaded=self.threaded) self._serve_runners = [Runner()] return self._serve_runners def score_serve_workers(self): if not hasattr(self, '_score_serve_workers'): import score.serve import socket from werkzeug.serving import BaseWSGIServer class Server(BaseWSGIServer): multithread = self.threaded def server_bind(self): self.socket.setsockopt( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) super().server_bind() class Worker(score.serve.SocketServerWorker): def _mkserver(runner): return Server(, self.port, self.mkwsgi()) self._score_serve_workers = Worker() return self._score_serve_workers
[docs] def mkwsgi(self): """ Creates a WSGI_ application, that will route incoming requests to the configured routes. """ if self.debug: def app(env, start_response): response = self.create_response(Request(env)) return response(env, start_response) from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication app = DebuggedApplication(app, True) else: def app(env, start_response): try: request = Request(env) except Exception as e: log.critical(e) response = HTTPInternalServerError() else: try: response = self.create_response(request) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) response = self.create_failsafe_response(request, e) return response(env, start_response) return app
def find_route_for(self, request_or_url): if isinstance(request_or_url, Request): request = request_or_url else: request = Request.blank(request_or_url) for route in self.routes.values(): if route.can_handle(request): return route return None def find_route_and_args_for(self, request_or_url): if isinstance(request_or_url, Request): request = request_or_url else: request = Request.blank(request_or_url) for route in self.routes.values(): result = route.extract_variables(request) if result is not None: return route, result return None, None def create_ctx_member(self, request): return Http(self, request) def create_response(self, request): ctx = self.ctx.Context() ctx.http = self.create_ctx_member(request) try: log.debug('Received %s request for %s' % (request.method, request.path)) for name, route in self.routes.items(): if route.handle(ctx): break else: ctx.http.response = self.create_error_response( ctx, HTTPNotFound()) except Exception as e: for exc in self.exception_handlers: # let's see if we have a dedicated exception handler for this # kind of error if isinstance(e, exc): try: self.exception_handlers[exc](ctx, e) break except HTTPException as response: ctx.http.response = response break except Exception as e2: ctx.destroy(e2) raise else: ctx.destroy(e) raise response = ctx.http.response ctx.destroy() return response def create_failsafe_response(self, request, error=None): try: with self.ctx.Context() as ctx: ctx.tx.doom() ctx.http = Http(self, request) ctx.http.exc = ctx.http.exception = error response = self.create_error_response(ctx, error) return response except Exception as e: if ctx._active: try: ctx.destroy(e) except Exception: log.exception(e) pass log.critical(e) return HTTPInternalServerError() finally: assert not ctx or not ctx._active def create_error_response(self, ctx, error): code = 500 if isinstance(error, HTTPException): code = error.code ctx.http.response = ctx.http.res = error else: ctx.http.response = ctx.http.res = HTTPInternalServerError() handler = None if str(code) in self.error_handlers: handler = self.error_handlers[str(code)] elif '%dXX' % (code % 100) in self.error_handlers: handler = self.error_handlers['%dXX' % (code % 100)] if not handler: return ctx.http.response try: result = handler(ctx, error) except HTTPException as response: result = response if isinstance(result, Response): ctx.http.response = result return result if isinstance(result, str): ctx.http.response.text = result return ctx.http.response
class Http: def __init__(self, conf, request): self._conf = conf self._response = None self.req = self.request = request self.url = conf.url def redirect(self, url, permanent=False): if not permanent: raise HTTPFound(location=url) else: raise HTTPMovedPermanently(location=url) @property def response(self): if self._response is None: self._response = Response(conditional_response=True) self._response.charset = 'utf-8' return self._response @response.setter def response(self, value): self._response = value res = response