Shell Command

We will now create our own shell command that automatically destroys and re-creates our database. We will expand the score command line by adding a new command group called moswblog for all our shell commands and add our first command called resetdb to this group. When we’re done, we should be able to invoke score moswblog resetdb to reset our application database.

Let’s start by adding the following to the new file moswblog/

import click
from import load_data
def main():
    Manages the Ministry Of Silly Walks Blog.

def resetdb(click):
    Drops and re-creates the database.
    score = click.obj['conf'].load()
    session = score.orm.Session()
    source = ''
    objects = load_data(source)
    for cls in objects:
        for id in objects[cls]:

We have just created two functions: a command group called main, which will encapsulate all our application-specific commands, and a sub-command called resetdb, which will drop and re-create our database.

We will now need to register these functions with score.cli. This is done using entry point definitions. The next line might look a bit complicated, if you are new to this concept, but it basically just says:

If some code asks for objects belonging to the score.cli group, make sure to include the function main, too. You can find it in the package moswblog.cli. Oh, and tell the caller that this rule is called moswblog.

Open up the file and add the following to the setup configuration:

    'score.cli': [
        'moswblog = moswblog.cli:main',

Remember, that we have declared in our, that this entry point is to be called moswblog. That’s why you can access the main function as score moswblog:

Usage: score moswblog [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manages the Ministry Of Silly Walks Blog.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  resetdb  Drops and re-creates the database.

This is the aforementioned command group. If you want to call the other resetdb function, just append it to the command line:

$ score moswblog resetdb

Congratulations! You have just written and executed a shell command! We can leave the shell for now and implement another way of accessing our database: a simple web application.