.. _tutorial_cli: Command Line Interface ====================== When working with multiple people with different operating systems, editors and workflows, it might become hard to make all your tools work on every developer's machine. This where the :mod:`score.cli` module enters the stage: The `command shell`_ is the lowest common denominator across all development setups. Whenever you encounter something you notice yourself doing more than a few times, you might want to create a :term:`shell command` to avoid typing. Remember: laziness is one of the `three great virtues of a programmer`_. In the next few sections, we will write a shell command for destroying and re-creating our database. This is quite a common operation during development, since it would be a miracle if we got our database models right from the beginning. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 configuration command .. _command shell: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-line_interface .. _three great virtues of a programmer: http://threevirtues.com/