Source code for score.session._init

# Copyright © 2015-2017 STRG.AT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
# This file is part of the The SCORE Framework.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are free software: you can redistribute
# them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which is in the
# file named COPYING.LESSER.txt.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are distributed without any WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details see the GNU Lesser General Public
# License.
# If you have not received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License see
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import abc
from score.init import (
    ConfiguredModule, ConfigurationError, parse_bool, parse_time_interval,
import uuid

defaults = {
    'db.class': None,
    'kvcache.container': 'score.session',
    'kvcache.livedata': 'false',
    'ctx.member': 'session',
    'cookie': 'session',
    'cookie.max_age': None,
    'cookie.path': '/',
    'cookie.domain': None,
    '': True,
    'cookie.httponly': True,

[docs]def init(confdict, db=None, kvcache=None, ctx=None): """ Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`db.class` :faint:`[default=None]` The :func:`path <score.init.parse_dotted_path>` to the database class, that should be used as backend. :confkey:`kvcache.container` :faint:`[default=score.session]` The name of the :term:`cache container` to use for storing session data when using :mod:`score.kvcache` as backend. :confkey:`kvcache.livedata` :faint:`[default=false]` This value defines whether sessions must always pull the newest session data for every operation. This has the advantage that all session data will be immediately up-to-date across all processes using the same session, but also the disadvantage that it will make using the session a lot slower. :confkey:`ctx.member` :faint:`[default=session]` This is the name of the :term:`context member`, that should be registered with the configured :mod:`score.ctx` module (if there is one). :confkey:`cookie` :faint:`[default=session]` Name of the cookie to set when used in combination with the :mod:`score.http` module. It is recommended to provide a non-default, obscure value here. Setting this value to the string `None` will disable setting cookies. :confkey:`cookie.max_age` :faint:`[default=None]` The max-age parameter of the cookie. The default value of `None` means that the cookie will be valid until the browser is closed. :confkey:`cookie.path` :faint:`[default=/]` The path parameter of the cookie. :confkey:`cookie.domain` :faint:`[default=None]` The domain parameter of the cookie. :confkey:`` :faint:`[default=True]` The secure parameter of the cookie. Please be aware that you are exposing your user sessions to man-in-the-middle__ attacks (like wireless sniffers), if you set this value to `False` in production. .. __: :confkey:`cookie.httponly` :faint:`[default=True]` The httponly parameter of the cookie. Please be aware that setting this value to `False` in production can lead to session hijacking, if an attacker manages to sneak in malicious javascript code into your application (using XSS_, for example). .. _XSS: """ conf = defaults.copy() conf.update(confdict) ctx_member = None if ctx and conf['ctx.member'] not in (None, 'None'): ctx_member = conf['ctx.member'] cookie_kwargs = parse_cookie_kwargs(conf) session = ConfiguredSessionModule(ctx, ctx_member, cookie_kwargs) session.Session = _init_db_backend(conf, session, db, ctx) if not session.Session: session.Session = _init_kvcache_backend(conf, session, kvcache) if not session.Session: import score.session raise ConfigurationError( score.session, 'Neither kvcache nor db backend configured') return session
def _init_db_backend(conf, session, db, ctx): if not db: return None if 'db.class' not in conf: return None if not conf['db.class'] or conf['db.class'] == 'None': return None from .db import DbSessionMixin, DbSession from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension class_ = parse_dotted_path(conf['db.class']) if not issubclass(class_, DbSessionMixin): import score.session raise ConfigurationError( score.session, 'Configured `db.class` must inherit DbSessionMixin') if ctx and db.ctx_member: def session(self): return getattr(self._ctx, db.ctx_member) elif ctx: def session(self): if not hasattr(self, '_db_session'): zope_tx = ZopeTransactionExtension( transaction_manager=self._ctx.tx_manager) self._db_session = db.Session(extension=zope_tx) return self._db_session else: def session(self): if not hasattr(self, '_db_session'): self._db_session = db.Session(extension=[]) return self._db_session return type('ConfiguredDbSession', (DbSession,), { '_has_ctx': ctx is not None, '_conf': session, '_db_conf': db, '_db_class': class_, '_db': property(session), }) def _init_kvcache_backend(conf, session, kvcache): if not kvcache: return None from ._kvcache import KvcacheSession return type('ConfiguredKvcacheSession', (KvcacheSession,), { '_conf': session, '_livedata': parse_bool(conf['kvcache.livedata']), '_container': kvcache[conf['kvcache.container']], }) def parse_cookie_kwargs(conf): if not conf['cookie'] or conf['cookie'] == 'None': return None cookie_kwargs = { 'name': conf['cookie'], 'path': conf['cookie.path'], 'domain': conf['cookie.domain'], 'secure': parse_bool(conf['']), 'httponly': parse_bool(conf['cookie.httponly']), } if conf['cookie.max_age']: cookie_kwargs['max_age'] = \ parse_time_interval(conf['cookie.max_age']) return cookie_kwargs
[docs]class ConfiguredSessionModule(ConfiguredModule): """ This module's :class:`configuration class <score.init.ConfiguredModule>`. """ def __init__(self, ctx, ctx_member, cookie_kwargs): super().__init__(__package__) self.ctx = ctx self.ctx_member = ctx_member self.cookie_kwargs = cookie_kwargs if ctx and ctx_member: self.__register_ctx_member() if cookie_kwargs and 'max_age' in cookie_kwargs: # keep the client's cookie alive by sending him the cookie with each # response id_member = self.ctx_member + '_id' @ctx.on_destroy def destructor(ctx, exception): if exception: return if not hasattr(ctx, 'http'): return if hasattr(ctx, self.ctx_member): session_id = getattr(ctx, ctx_member).id elif hasattr(ctx, id_member): session_id = getattr(ctx, id_member) elif self.cookie_kwargs and hasattr(ctx, 'http'): session_id = ctx.http.request.cookies.get( self.cookie_kwargs['name'], None) else: return if not session_id: return kwargs = self.cookie_kwargs.copy() kwargs['value'] = str(session_id) ctx.http.response.set_cookie(**kwargs) def __register_ctx_member(self): id_member = self.ctx_member + '_id' def constructor(ctx): if hasattr(self.Session, '_db_conf'): if self.Session._db_conf.ctx_member: # if we are making use of score.db's context member, we must # make sure it is initialized before this context member. # otherwise the database session (ctx.db) might get # destroyed before this member (ctx.session), in which case # we would have no database session to persist our session # object with. getattr(ctx, self.Session._db_conf.ctx_member) if hasattr(ctx, id_member): return self.load(getattr(ctx, id_member), ctx) if self.cookie_kwargs and hasattr(ctx, 'http'): id = ctx.http.request.cookies.get( self.cookie_kwargs['name'], None) return self.load(id, ctx) return self.create(ctx) def destructor(ctx, session, exception): setattr(ctx, id_member, if exception: session.revert() else: if self.cookie_kwargs and 'max_age' in self.cookie_kwargs: # the next part is only relevant if we are not setting the # response cookie anyway in the global context destruction # listener (see __init__() of this class) return if self.cookie_kwargs and hasattr(ctx, 'http') and not exception: if and session._original_id != kwargs = self.cookie_kwargs.copy() kwargs['value'] = ctx.http.response.set_cookie(**kwargs) self.ctx.register(self.ctx_member, constructor, destructor)
[docs] def create(self, ctx=None): """ Creates a new, empty :class:`.Session`. """ return self.Session(ctx, None)
[docs] def load(self, id, ctx=None): """ Loads an existing session with given *id*. """ return self.Session(ctx, id)
[docs]class Session(abc.ABC): """ A dict-like object managing session data. The modified session information is persisted when this object is destroyed. You can also call :meth:`.store` manually to make the data of this session available to other processes. """ def __init__(self, ctx, id): self._ctx = ctx self._was_changed = False self._is_dirty = False if not id or not self._id_is_valid(id): id = None = id self._original_id = id def __del__(self):
[docs] def store(self): """ Persists the information in this session instance. """ if self._is_dirty: self._store()
[docs] def revert(self): """ Throws away all changes to the current session. """ self._is_dirty = False self._revert()
[docs] def was_changed(self): """ Returns a `bool` indicating whether a modifying operation was performed on this session. """ return self._was_changed
def _mark_dirty(self): self._was_changed = True self._is_dirty = True # Functions, that need to be implemented by sub-classes @abc.abstractmethod def _id_is_valid(self, id): return False @abc.abstractmethod def _store(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _revert(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _contains(self, key): return False @abc.abstractmethod def _get(self, key): raise KeyError(key) @abc.abstractmethod def _set(self, key, value): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _del(self, key): raise KeyError(key) @abc.abstractmethod def _iter(self): raise StopIteration() # The rest of these functions implement the dict interface using the # abstract functions above. def __contains__(self, key): if is None: return False return self._contains(key) def __getitem__(self, key): if is None: raise KeyError(key) return self._get(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if is None: = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._set(key, value) self._mark_dirty() def __delitem__(self, key): if is None: return self._del(key) self._mark_dirty() def __iter__(self): return self._iter() def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def items(self): for key in self: yield (key, self[key]) def keys(self): yield from self def values(self): for key in self: yield self[key] def pop(self, key, default=None): result = self.get(key, default) del self[key] return result def popitem(self): try: key = next(self) except StopIteration: raise KeyError() value = self[key] del(self[key]) return value def setdefault(self, key, default=None): try: return self[key] except KeyError: self[key] = default return default def update(self, other): for key, value in other: self[key] = value def clear(self): for key in self: del(self[key])
class DictSession(Session): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cached_dict = None @abc.abstractmethod def _create_dict(self): return {} @property def _dict(self): if self._cached_dict is None: self._cached_dict = self._create_dict() return self._cached_dict def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def items(self): return self._dict.items() def keys(self): return self._dict.keys() def values(self): return self._dict.values() def _contains(self, key): return key in self._dict def _get(self, key): return self._dict[key] def _set(self, key, value): self._dict[key] = value def _del(self, key): del self._dict[key] def _iter(self): # should actually not be here, as we have implemented __iter__() return iter(self._dict)