Source code for score.serve._init

# Copyright © 2015-2018 STRG.AT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
# Copyright © 2020-2023 Necdet Can Ateşman, Vienna, Austria
# This file is part of the The SCORE Framework.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are free software: you can redistribute
# them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which is in
# the file named COPYING.LESSER.txt.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are distributed without any WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details see the GNU Lesser General Public
# License.
# If you have not received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License see
# The License-Agreement realised between you as Licensee and STRG.AT GmbH as
# Licenser including the issue of its valid conclusion and its pre- and
# post-contractual effects is governed by the laws of Austria. Any disputes
# concerning this License-Agreement including the issue of its valid conclusion
# and its pre- and post-contractual effects are exclusively decided by the
# competent court, in whose district STRG.AT GmbH has its registered seat, at
# the discretion of STRG.AT GmbH also the competent court, in whose district
# the Licensee has his registered seat, an establishment or assets.

import socket
import asyncio
import sys
from score.init import (
    ConfiguredModule, parse_list, parse_bool, parse_host_port, init_from_file,
from .service import Service
from ._forked import fork, Backgrounded
from ._changedetect import ChangeDetector
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
import traceback
import signal
import logging
from .worker import Worker

    import uvloop
except ImportError:

    from types import coroutine
except ImportError:
    from asyncio import coroutine

log = logging.getLogger('score.serve')

defaults = {
    'autoreload': False,
    'modules': [],
    'monitor': None,

[docs]def init(confdict): """ Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`autoreload` :confdefault:`False` When set to :func:`true <score.init.parse_bool>`, the server will automatically reload whenever it detects a change in one of the python files, that are in use. :confkey:`modules` The :func:`list <score.init.parse_list>` of modules to serve. This need to be a list of module aliases, i.e. the same name, with which you configured the module with ("score.http" becomes "http" if not specified otherwise.) """ conf = defaults.copy() conf.update(confdict) modules = parse_list(conf['modules']) if not modules: import score.serve raise InitializationError(score.serve, 'No modules configured') autoreload = parse_bool(conf['autoreload']) monitor_host_port = None if conf['monitor']: monitor_host_port = parse_host_port(conf['monitor']) return ConfiguredServeModule(conf['conf'], modules, autoreload, monitor_host_port)
[docs]class ConfiguredServeModule(ConfiguredModule): """ This module's :class:`configuration class` """ def __init__(self, conf, modules, autoreload, monitor_host_port): import score.serve ConfiguredModule.__init__(self, score.serve) self.conf = conf self.modules = modules self.autoreload = autoreload self.monitor_connections = [] self.monitor_host_port = monitor_host_port self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self.loop.getaddrinfo = self._getaddrinfo def _finalize(self, score): self._score = score def _getaddrinfo(self, host, port, *, family=0, type=0, proto=0, flags=0): """ The default loop implementation uses loop.run_in_executor to resolve addresses, which in turn uses a ThreadPoolExecutor or a ProcessPoolExecutor. Neither of these executors is feasable, since forking would break both of them. This is the reason we are resolving hostnames synchronously. """ @coroutine def getaddrinfo(): return socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, type, proto, flags) return getaddrinfo()
[docs] def start(self): """ Starts all configured workers and runs until the workers stop or <CTRL-C> ist pressed. Will optionally reload the server, if it was configured to do so via ``autoreload``. """ if self.monitor_host_port: coroutine = self.loop.create_server( self._create_monitor_connection, host=self.monitor_host_port[0], port=self.monitor_host_port[1]) self.loop.create_task(coroutine) while True: self.instance = _ServerInstance(self) for connection in self.monitor_connections: connection.set_instance(self.instance) self.instance.run_until_stopped() reload = self.instance.reload self.instance = None for connection in self.monitor_connections: connection.clear_instance(reload) if not reload: break'reloading')
def _create_monitor_connection(self): from .monitor import ServiceMonitorProtocol connection = ServiceMonitorProtocol(self) if self.instance: connection.set_instance(self.instance) self.monitor_connections.append(connection) return connection def _remove_monitor_connection(self, connection): self.monitor_connections.remove(connection) def _iter_workers(self): for descriptor in self.modules: if '/' in descriptor: module, names = tuple(map(str.strip, descriptor.split('/', 1))) names = tuple(map(str.strip, names.split(','))) else: module = descriptor names = None response = self._score._modules[module].score_serve_workers() if isinstance(response, Worker): yield module, response elif isinstance(response, list): if len(response) == 1: yield module, response[0] else: for i, worker in enumerate(response): name = '%s/%d' % (module, i) yield name, worker elif isinstance(response, dict): for name, worker in response.items(): if names is not None and name not in names: continue name = '%s/%s' % (module, name) yield name, worker else: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid return value of %s.score_serve_workers(): %s' % (module, repr(response))) @property def workers(self): if not hasattr(self, '_workers'): self._workers = list(self._iter_workers()) return self._workers
class _ServerInstance: def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf self.loop = conf.loop self.controller = fork(self.loop, ServiceController, self.conf) def run_until_stopped(self): if self.conf.autoreload: self.controller.on('restart', self.restart) self.reload = None self.controller.on('state-change', self.quit_if_stopped) # self.loop.set_debug(True) self.loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler_stop) self.__start_1() self.__stopping = False self.loop.run_forever() self.loop.remove_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT) def __start_1(self): # make sure that all services are in PAUSED state first. # we will start them all at once afterwards. task = self.loop.create_task(self.controller.pause()) task.add_done_callback(self.__start_2) def __start_2(self, future): exc = future.exception() if not exc: # start all services at once task = self.loop.create_task(self.controller.start()) task.add_done_callback(lambda *_:'started')) elif not self.conf.autoreload: self.loop.remove_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT) self.loop.create_task(self.stop()) def signal_handler_stop(self):'Ctrl+C detected, stopping') self.loop.remove_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT) self.loop.create_task(self.stop()) self.reload = False @coroutine def stop(self): if self.__stopping: return self.__stopping = True event = self.__create_asyncio_event() def signal_if_all_stopped(states): if not self.all_services_stopped(states): return'state-change', signal_if_all_stopped) task = self.loop.create_task(self.controller.kill()) task.add_done_callback(wait_on_pending_tasks) def wait_on_pending_tasks(future): coro = self.wait_on_pending_tasks([current_task]) task = self.loop.create_task(coro) task.add_done_callback(signal_done) def signal_done(future): event.set() current_task = self.__current_asyncio_task() states = yield from self.controller.service_states() if not self.all_services_stopped(states):'state-change', self.quit_if_stopped) self.controller.on('state-change', signal_if_all_stopped) yield from self.controller.stop() yield from event.wait() self.cleanup() def cleanup(self): self.controller.cleanup() self.loop.stop() def all_services_stopped(self, states): if isinstance(states, dict): states = states.values() return all(state in (Service.State.STOPPED, Service.State.EXCEPTION) for state in states) def quit_if_stopped(self, states): if not self.all_services_stopped(states): return'state-change', self.quit_if_stopped) self.loop.create_task(self.stop()) def restart(self): if self.reload is None: self.reload = True self.loop.create_task(self.stop()) @coroutine def wait_on_pending_tasks(self, ignored_tasks=None): event = self.__create_asyncio_event() if ignored_tasks is None: ignored_tasks = [] ignored_tasks.append(self.__current_asyncio_task()) def check_pending(future=None): if future: # collect the task exception, otherwise the asyncio library # will complain future.exception() pending_tasks = [t for t in self.__all_asyncio_task() if not t.done()] if len(pending_tasks) <= len(ignored_tasks): event.set() return task = pending_tasks.pop() while task in ignored_tasks: task = pending_tasks.pop() task.add_done_callback(check_pending) check_pending() yield from event.wait() def __all_asyncio_task(self): if hasattr(asyncio, 'all_tasks'): return asyncio.all_tasks(loop=self.loop) else: return asyncio.Task.all_tasks(loop=self.loop) def __current_asyncio_task(self): if hasattr(asyncio, 'current_task'): return asyncio.current_task(loop=self.loop) else: return asyncio.Task.current_task(loop=self.loop) def __create_asyncio_event(self): if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor < 10: return asyncio.Event(loop=self.loop) else: # The loop kwarg was removed in Python 3.10 return asyncio.Event() class ServiceController(Backgrounded): def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf self._services = None self._changedetector = None def start(self): if not self._services: self._init_services() self._call_on_subservices('start') def pause(self): if not self._services: self._init_services() self._call_on_subservices('pause') def stop(self): if not self._services: return if self._changedetector: self._changedetector.stop(wait=False) self._changedetector = None self._call_on_subservices('stop') def service_states(self): if not self._services: return [] result = OrderedDict() for name, service in self._services.items(): result[name] = service.state return result @property @contextmanager def _acquire_service_locks(self): acquired = [] try: for service in self._services.values(): service.state_lock.acquire() acquired.append(service) yield finally: for service in acquired: service.state_lock.release() def _init_services(self): if self.conf.autoreload: self._changedetector = ChangeDetector() self._changedetector.observe(self.conf.conf) self._changedetector.add_callback(self.restart) try: self._collect_services() for service in self._services.values(): service.register_state_change_listener( self._service_state_changed) except Exception as e: self.conf.log.exception(e) if self._changedetector: self._services.clear() if isinstance(e, SyntaxError): self._changedetector.observe(e.filename) else: for frame in traceback.extract_tb(e.__traceback__): self._changedetector.observe(frame[0]) raise def _service_state_changed(self, service, old, new): states = { service.state for service in self._services.values()} self.trigger('state-change', states) if new == Service.State.EXCEPTION: self.conf.log.exception(service.exception) def _collect_services(self): self._services = OrderedDict() score = init_from_file(self.conf.conf) changedetector = self._changedetector if changedetector: for file in parse_list(score.conf['score.init']['_files']): changedetector.observe(file) for desc in self.conf.modules: for name, worker in self._iter_workers(score, desc): self._services[name] = Service(name, worker) def _iter_workers(self, score, descriptor): if '/' in descriptor: module, names = tuple(map(str.strip, descriptor.split('/', 1))) names = tuple(map(str.strip, names.split(','))) else: module = descriptor names = None response = score._modules[module].score_serve_workers() if isinstance(response, Worker): yield module, response elif isinstance(response, list): if len(response) == 1: yield module, response[0] return for i, worker in enumerate(response): name = '%s/%d' % (module, i) yield name, worker elif isinstance(response, dict): for name, worker in response.items(): if names is not None and name not in names: continue name = '%s/%s' % (module, name) yield name, worker else: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid return value of %s.score_serve_workers(): %s' % (module, repr(response))) def restart(self, *_): self.trigger('restart') changedetector = self._changedetector self._changedetector = None if changedetector: changedetector.stop(wait=False) self.stop() def _call_on_subservices(self, func, *args): for service in self._services.values(): getattr(service, func)(*args)