Source code for

# Copyright © 2015-2017 STRG.AT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
# This file is part of the The SCORE Framework.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are free software: you can redistribute
# them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which is in the
# file named COPYING.LESSER.txt.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are distributed without any WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details see the GNU Lesser General Public
# License.
# If you have not received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License see
# The License-Agreement realised between you as Licensee and STRG.AT GmbH as
# Licenser including the issue of its valid conclusion and its pre- and
# post-contractual effects is governed by the laws of Austria. Any disputes
# concerning this License-Agreement including the issue of its valid conclusion
# and its pre- and post-contractual effects are exclusively decided by the
# competent court, in whose district STRG.AT GmbH has its registered seat, at
# the discretion of STRG.AT GmbH also the competent court, in whose district the
# Licensee has his registered seat, an establishment or assets.

from datetime import datetime
import io
from score.init import parse_dotted_path
from import Enum, EnumType
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import AssociationProxy
import urllib.request

class DataLoaderException(Exception):

[docs]def load_data(thing, objects=None): """ Loads data from given *thing*, i.e. a file, a file-like object or a URL. If the source contains references to other objects loaded in an earlier call, you can pass them as *objects*. Usual usage: .. code-block:: python objects = load_data('base.yaml') if generate_dummy_data: objects = load_data('dummy.yaml', objects) """ if isinstance(thing, io.IOBase): return load_yaml(thing, objects) if not isinstance(thing, str): raise DataLoaderException('Could not determine loader to use') if ':' in thing: return load_url(thing, objects) return load_yaml(thing, objects)
def load_url(url, objects=None): """ Loads objects from a yaml resources under given *url*. See :func:`load_data` for the description of the *objects* parameter. """ return load_yaml(urllib.request.urlopen(url)) def load_yaml(file, objects=None): """ Loads objects from a yaml *file*. See :func:`load_data` for the description of the *objects* parameter. """ import yaml try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Loader if not isinstance(file, io.IOBase): file = open(file) return _postprocess(yaml.load(file, Loader=Loader), objects) def _postprocess(data, objects=None): relationships = {} proxies = {} columns = {} if not objects: objects = {} classes = {} else: classes = dict((cls, parse_dotted_path(cls)) for cls in objects) for classname in data: classes[classname] = parse_dotted_path(classname) cls = classes[classname] relationships[classname] = {} proxies[classname] = {} for relationship in sa.inspect(cls).relationships: relationships[classname][relationship.key] = relationship columns[classname] = {} for column in sa.inspect(cls).columns: columns[classname][column.description] = column if classname not in objects: objects[classname] = {} objects[classname].update(dict((id, cls()) for id in data[classname])) for member in dir(cls): if member.startswith('__'): continue value = getattr(cls, member) if isinstance(value, AssociationProxy): proxies[classname][member] = value for classname in data: cls = classes[classname] for id in data[classname]: obj = objects[classname][id] if not data[classname][id]: continue for member in data[classname][id]: value = data[classname][id][member] if member in relationships[classname]: relcls = relationships[classname][member].argument if isinstance(relcls, sa.orm.Mapper): relcls = relcls.class_ else: relcls = relcls() if not isinstance(relcls, type): relcls = relcls.__class__ value = _replace_object(classes, objects, relcls, value) elif member in proxies[classname]: proxy = proxies[classname][member] col = proxy.attr[1].property.columns[0] if isinstance(col.type, type(cls)): value = _replace_object(classes, objects, relcls, value) else: value = map(lambda v: _convert_value(v, col), value) elif member in columns[classname]: value = _convert_value(value, columns[classname][member]) setattr(obj, member, value) return objects def _replace_object(classes, objects, cls, value): if isinstance(value, list): def converter(item): return _replace_object(classes, objects, cls, item) return list(map(converter, value)) key = '%s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) if key in objects: return objects[key][value] for classname in objects: othercls = classes[classname] if not issubclass(othercls, cls): continue if value in objects[classname]: return objects[classname][value] raise DataLoaderException('Could not find referenced object "%s"' % value) def _convert_value(value, column): if isinstance(column.type, sa.DateTime) and not isinstance(value, datetime): return datetime(value) if isinstance(column.type, EnumType) and not isinstance(value, Enum): return column.type.enum(value.strip()) return value