Source code for score.pyfilesystem._init

# Copyright © 2017 STRG.AT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
# This file is part of the The SCORE Framework.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are free software: you can redistribute
# them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which is in the
# file named COPYING.LESSER.txt.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are distributed without any WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
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from collections import namedtuple
import enum
from fs import open_fs
import keyword
from score.init import extract_conf, ConfiguredModule, InitializationError
import urllib.parse

defaults = {
    'ctx.member': 'fs',

[docs]def init(confdict, ctx=None): """ Initializes this module acoording to the :ref:`SCORE module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`ctx.member.url` :confdefault:`fs` The name of the :term:`context member`, that should be registered with the configured :mod:`score.ctx` module (if there is one). The default value allows you to always access configured file systems within a :class:`score.ctx.Context` like the following: >>> ctx.fs['my_configured_fs'] :confkey:`path.*` Configuration keys like `` are file system definitions that must contain a valid :ref:`pyfilesystem URL <pyfilesystem:fs-urls>`. These values automatically :meth:`register <ConfiguredPyfilesystemModule.register_path>` paths during initialization. The following example is for registering a memory file system called `foo`: .. code-block:: ini = mem:// The only customization is a *scope* parameter, which can also define the :term:`scope <pyfilesystem scope>` of a file system. Valid values for this parameter are ``global`` (the default) and ``ctx``. The same filesystem as above with a scope bound to a context would look like this: .. code-block:: ini = mem://?scope=ctx """ conf = defaults.copy() conf.update(confdict) fsconf = ConfiguredPyfilesystemModule() for name, url in extract_conf(conf, 'path.').items(): scope = 'global' if '://' in url: url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) query = [] for key, value in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(url.query): if key == 'scope': scope = Scope(value) else: query.append((key, value)) url = [*url] url[3] = query url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit(url) if '://' not in url: # the URL probably does not contain a netloc part and urlunsplit # generates something like 'mem:', which is actually valid. # pyfilesystem, on the other hand, interprets this as a path on # the local filesystem and tries to open it with OSFS. # the fix is simple: append two slashes to the first colon url = url.replace(':', '://', 1) if scope == Scope.CONTEXT and not ctx: import score.pyfilesystem raise InitializationError( score.pyfilesystem, 'Cannot register object with scope=ctx ' 'without a configured ctx module') try: fsconf.register_path(name, url, scope=scope) except Exception as e: import score.pyfilesystem raise InitializationError(score.pyfilesystem, str(e)) from e if ctx and conf['ctx.member'].lower() != 'none': ctx.register(conf['ctx.member'], fsconf._ctx_constructor) return fsconf
Path = namedtuple('Path', ('name', 'url', 'scope')) class Scope(enum.Enum): """ Valid scope values for registered paths. """ GLOBAL = 'global' CONTEXT = 'ctx' CTX = 'ctx'
[docs]class ConfiguredPyfilesystemModule(ConfiguredModule): """ This module's :class:`configuration class <score.init.ConfiguredModule>`. You can access all registered file systems either as attributes of this class, or using dict access: >>> assert is score.fs['foo'] """ def __init__(self): import score.pyfilesystem super().__init__(score.pyfilesystem) self.paths = {}
[docs] def register_path(self, name, url, scope='global'): """ Register a path with given *name* on this instance before the module is :ref:`finalized <finalization>`. The *url* must be a valid :ref:`pyfilesystem URL <pyfilesystem:fs-urls>`. Valid values for *scope* are :class:`.Scope` instances, or their str equivalents (``global`` or ``ctx``). """ if self._finalized: raise Exception( "Cannot register further paths: Module already finalized") if name == 'paths': raise ValueError('Path name must not be "paths"') if name[0] == '_': raise ValueError('Path name must not start with an underscore') if keyword.iskeyword(name): raise ValueError('Path name must not be a python keyword') if isinstance(scope, str): scope = Scope(scope) self.paths[name] = Path(name, url, scope)
def _ctx_constructor(self, ctx): return ContextProxy(self) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: pass raise AttributeError(name) def __getitem__(self, name): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Key must be string, received %s' % (str(name),)) if name not in self.paths: raise KeyError(name) path = self.paths[name] if path.scope != Scope.GLOBAL: raise KeyError(name) value = open_fs(path.url) setattr(self, name, value) return value def __iter__(self): return iter(self.paths) def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.paths
class ContextProxy: """ A proxy object used for accessing file systems on a :class:`context object <score.ctx.Context>`. """ def __init__(self, conf): self._conf = conf def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: pass raise AttributeError(name) def __getitem__(self, name): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Key must be string, received %s' % (str(name),)) if name not in self._conf.paths: raise KeyError(name) path = self._conf.paths[name] if path.scope == Scope.GLOBAL: return getattr(self._conf, name) value = open_fs(path.url) setattr(self, name, value) return value