Source code for score.jinja2._init

# Copyright © 2015-2018 STRG.AT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
# Copyright © 2019 Necdet Can Ateşman, Vienna, Austria
# This file is part of the The SCORE Framework.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are free software: you can redistribute
# them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which is in
# the file named COPYING.LESSER.txt.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are distributed without any WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details see the GNU Lesser General Public
# License.
# If you have not received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License see
# The License-Agreement realised between you as Licensee and STRG.AT GmbH as
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# post-contractual effects is governed by the laws of Austria. Any disputes
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# the discretion of STRG.AT GmbH also the competent court, in whose district
# the Licensee has his registered seat, an establishment or assets.

from score.init import ConfiguredModule, parse_list
from score.tpl import Renderer
from functools import wraps
import jinja2
import errno
import os

def _wrap_callable(callable_):
    def wrapped_callable(*args, **kwargs):
        return jinja2.Markup(callable_(*args, **kwargs))
    return wrapped_callable

defaults = {
    'extension': 'jinja2',
    'cachedir': None,
    'filters': [],

[docs]def init(confdict, tpl): """ Initializes this module acoording to the :ref:`SCORE module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`cachedir` :confdefault:`None` A cache folder to use for storing parsed templates. Highly recommended. """ conf = defaults.copy() conf.update(confdict) return ConfiguredJinja2Module(tpl, conf['extension'], conf['cachedir'], parse_list(conf['filters']))
[docs]class ConfiguredJinja2Module(ConfiguredModule): """ This module's :class:`configuration object <score.init.ConfiguredModule>`. """ def __init__(self, tpl, extension, cachedir, filters): import score.jinja2 super().__init__(score.jinja2) self.tpl = tpl self.extension = extension self.cachedir = cachedir self.filters = filters tpl.engines[extension] = self._create_renderer tpl.filetypes['text/html'].extensions.append(extension) def _create_renderer(self, tpl_conf, filetype): return Jinja2Renderer(self, tpl_conf, filetype)
[docs]class Jinja2Renderer(Renderer): """ A :class:`score.tpl.Renderer` capable of rendering jinja2 templates. """ def __init__(self, jinja2_conf, *args, **kwargs): self._jinja2_conf = jinja2_conf super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.env = self.build_environment() self.root_file_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader('/') def render_file(self, file, variables, path=None): """ Renders given template *file* with the given *variables* dict. """ try: tpl = self.root_file_loader.load(self.env, os.path.abspath(file), self.env.globals) except jinja2.TemplateNotFound as e: raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), file) from e else: return tpl.render(variables) def render_string(self, string, variables, path=None): """ Renders given template *string* with the given *variables* dict. """ tpl = self.env.from_string(string) return tpl.render(variables) def build_environment(self): """ Buids a :class:`jinja2.Environment` and registers all functions, filters and global variables. No need to call this function manually, an environment will be created automatically if it does not exist when accessing :attr:`.env`. """ kwargs = {} if self._jinja2_conf.cachedir: kwargs['bytecode_cache'] =\ jinja2.FileSystemBytecodeCache(self._jinja2_conf.cachedir) can_escape = self.filetype.mimetype in ('text/xml', 'text/html') env = jinja2.Environment( autoescape=can_escape, extensions=self.get_extensions(), undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, loader=Jinja2Loader(self._jinja2_conf, self._tpl_conf), **kwargs ) if can_escape: for name, value, escape in self.filetype.globals: if not escape: if callable(value): value = _wrap_callable(value) if name in self._jinja2_conf.filters: env.filters[name] = value continue elif isinstance(value, str): value = jinja2.Markup(value) env.globals[name] = value else: for name, value, escape in self.filetype.globals: env.globals[name] = value return env def get_extensions(self): """ The extensions to register while generating the :class:`jinja2.Environment` in :meth:`.build_environment`. """ return ['jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.autoescape']
class Jinja2Loader(jinja2.BaseLoader): def __init__(self, jinja2_conf, tpl_conf): self.jinja2_conf = jinja2_conf self.tpl_conf = tpl_conf def get_source(self, environment, template): is_path, result = self.tpl_conf.load(template) mtime = os.path.getmtime(result) if is_path: return ( open(result).read(), result, lambda: mtime == os.path.getmtime(result) ) return ( result, None, lambda: False ) def list_templates(self): ext = self.jinja2_conf.extension if ext not in self.tpl_conf.loaders: return [] return sorted(self.tpl_conf.loaders[ext].paths)