Source code for score.init.initializer

# Copyright © 2015-2018 STRG.AT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
# This file is part of the The SCORE Framework.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are free software: you can redistribute
# them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which is in the
# file named COPYING.LESSER.txt.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are distributed without any WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details see the GNU Lesser General Public
# License.
# If you have not received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License see
# The License-Agreement realised between you as Licensee and STRG.AT GmbH as
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import abc
import configparser
import importlib
from inspect import signature, Parameter
import logging
import pkgutil
import sys
from .config import parse_list, parse_config_file
from .exceptions import InitializationError, ConfigurationError
from .dependency import DependencySolver
from collections import OrderedDict
from types import ModuleType

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def init(confdict, *, overrides={}, init_logging=True, finalize=True): """ This function automates the process of initializing all other modules. It will operate on given *confdict*, which is expected to be a :class:`configparser.ConfigParser` object or a 2-dimensional `dict` mapping names of modules to their respective :term:`confdicts <confdict>`. The recommended way of acquiring such a confdict is through :func:`.parse_config_file`, but any 2-dimensional `dict` is fine. The *confdict* should also contain the configuration for this module, which interprets the configuration key ``modules`` (which should be accessible as ``confdict['score.init']['modules']``): :confkey:`modules` A list of module names that shall be initialized. If this value is missing, you will end up with an empty :class:`.ConfiguredScore` object. The provided *overrides* will be integrated into the actual *confdict* prior to initialization. While the confdict is assumed to be retrieved from external resources (like a configuration file), this parameter aims to make programmatic adjustment of the configuration a bit easier. The final parameter *init_logging* makes sure python's own logging facility is initialized with the provided configuration, too. This function returns a :class:`.ConfiguredScore` object. """ if init_logging and 'formatters' in confdict: import logging.config # the fileConfig() function below expects a RawConfigParser instance; # this function, however, has no such limitation -> convert the confdict # if it is not an object of that type if isinstance(confdict, configparser.RawConfigParser): parser = confdict else: parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() parser.read_dict(confdict) logging.config.fileConfig(parser, disable_existing_loggers=False) if isinstance(confdict, configparser.RawConfigParser): _confdict = OrderedDict() for section in confdict: _confdict[section] = OrderedDict() for k, v in confdict[section].items(): _confdict[section][k] = v else: _confdict = confdict for section in overrides: if section not in _confdict: _confdict[section] = OrderedDict() for key, value in overrides[section].items(): _confdict[section][key] = value try: paths = _confdict['score.init']['autoimport'] except KeyError: pass else: _perform_autoimport(parse_list(paths)) return _init(_confdict, finalize)
def _perform_autoimport(paths): if isinstance(paths, str): return _perform_autoimport([paths]) for path in paths: __import__(path) module = sys.modules.get(path) try: module.__path__ except AttributeError: # not a package continue for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(module.__path__): if modname[0] == '_': continue if ispkg: _perform_autoimport('%s.%s' % (path, modname)) else: __import__('%s.%s' % (path, modname)) def _init(confdict, finalize=True): try: modconf = parse_list(confdict['score.init']['modules']) except KeyError: # TODO: issue a warning through the warnings module return ConfiguredScore(confdict, dict(), dict()) modules, dependency_aliases = _collect_modules(modconf) dependency_map = _collect_dependencies(modules, dependency_aliases) initialized = dict() sorted_aliases = _sort_modules( dependency_map, dependency_aliases, 'initialization') for alias in sorted_aliases: modname = modules[alias] module_dependencies = dependency_map[alias] modconf = OrderedDict() if alias in confdict: modconf = confdict[alias] for key in confdict: if key.startswith('%s:' % alias): key_prefix = key[len(alias)+1:] + '.' modconf.update((key_prefix + k, v) for k, v in confdict[key].items()) kwargs = {} for dep in module_dependencies: try: dependency_alias = dependency_aliases[alias][dep] except KeyError: kwargs[dep] = initialized[dep] else: kwargs[dep] = initialized[dependency_alias] log.debug('Initializing %s as %s' % (modname, alias)) conf = importlib.import_module(modname).init(modconf, **kwargs) if not isinstance(conf, ConfiguredModule): raise InitializationError( __package__, '%s initializer did not return ConfiguredModule but %s' % (alias, repr(conf))) initialized[alias] = conf score = ConfiguredScore(confdict, initialized, dependency_aliases) if finalize: score._finalize() return score
[docs]def init_from_file(file, *, overrides={}, init_logging=True): """ Reads configuration from given *file* using :func:`.config.parse_config_file` and initializes score using :func:`.init`. See the documentation of :func:`.init` for a description of all keyword arguments. """ return init(parse_config_file(file, return_configparser=init_logging), overrides=overrides, init_logging=init_logging)
[docs]def init_logging_from_file(file): """ Just the part of :func:`.init_from_file` that would initialize logging. """ import logging.config confdict = parse_config_file(file, return_configparser=True) if 'formatters' in confdict: logging.config.fileConfig(confdict, disable_existing_loggers=False)
[docs]class ConfiguredModule(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ The return value of an ``init`` function. This class is abstract and modules must create sub-classes containing their respective configuration. """ _finalized = False def __init__(self, module): if isinstance(module, ModuleType): module = module.__name__ self._module_name = module def _finalize(self): """ The final function that will be called before the score initialization is considered complete. The parameter *score* contains the :class:`.ConfiguredScore` object. """ pass @property def _module(self): return _import(self._module_name) @property def log(self): try: return self._log except AttributeError: self._log = logging.getLogger(self._module_name) return self._log
[docs]class ConfiguredScore(ConfiguredModule): """ The return value of :func:`.init`. Contains the resulting :class:`.ConfiguredModule` of every initialized module as a member. """ def __init__(self, confdict, modules, dependency_aliases): import score.init ConfiguredModule.__init__(self, score.init) self.conf = confdict self._modules = modules self._module_dependency_aliases = dependency_aliases for alias, conf in modules.items(): setattr(self, alias, conf) def _finalize(self): dependency_map = {} for alias, conf in self._modules.items(): module_dependencies = [] if hasattr(conf, '_finalize_dependencies'): if isinstance(conf._finalize_dependencies, dict): module_dependencies = conf._finalize_dependencies else: module_dependencies = \ [(dep, True) for dep in conf._finalize_dependencies] else: sig = signature(conf._finalize) for i, (param_name, param) in enumerate(sig.parameters.items()): module_dependencies.append( (param_name, param.default != Parameter.empty)) dependency_map[alias] = module_dependencies modules = self._modules.copy() modules['score'] = self _remove_missing_optional_dependencies( modules, dependency_map, self._module_dependency_aliases) sorted_aliases = _sort_modules( dependency_map, self._module_dependency_aliases, 'finalization') for alias in sorted_aliases: if alias == 'score': continue kwargs = {} for dep in dependency_map[alias]: try: depalias = self._module_dependency_aliases[alias][dep] except KeyError: kwargs[dep] = modules[dep] else: kwargs[dep] = modules[depalias] log.debug('Finalizing %s' % (alias)) conf = modules[alias] conf._finalize(**kwargs) conf._finalized = True
def _collect_modules(modconf): modules = OrderedDict() dependency_aliases = {} for line in modconf: parts = line.split(':', 2) if len(parts) == 2: module, alias = parts elif '.' in line: module = line alias = line[line.rindex('.') + 1:] else: module = alias = line if '(' in alias: assignments = alias[alias.index('('):].strip(' ()').split(',') alias = alias[:alias.index('(')].strip() if '(' in module: module = module[:module.index('(')].strip() dependency_aliases[alias] = {} for assignment in assignments: key, value = assignment.split('=') dependency_aliases[alias][key.strip()] = value.strip() modules[alias] = module return modules, dependency_aliases def _import(module_name): """ Will import and return a python package with given *module_name*. If the module cannot be found, this function will instead return `None`. """ try: return importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError as e: if != module_name: raise return None def _collect_dependencies(modules, dependency_aliases): missing = [] dependency_map = {} for alias, modname in modules.items(): if modname == 'score.init': continue module = _import(modname) if not module: missing.append(modname) continue if not hasattr(module, 'init'): raise InitializationError( __package__, 'Cannot initialize %s: it has no init() function' % modname) if not callable(module.init): raise InitializationError( __package__, 'Cannot initialize %s: its init is not a function' % modname) module_dependencies = [] sig = signature(module.init) for i, (param_name, param) in enumerate(sig.parameters.items()): if i == 0: # this should be the confdict continue module_dependencies.append( (param_name, param.default != Parameter.empty)) dependency_map[alias] = module_dependencies if missing: raise ConfigurationError( __package__, 'Could not find the following modules:\n - ' + '\n - '.join(missing)) _remove_missing_optional_dependencies( modules, dependency_map, dependency_aliases) return dependency_map def _remove_missing_optional_dependencies(modules, dependency_map, dependency_aliases): missing = {} for alias, module_dependencies in dependency_map.items(): newdeps = [] for dependency, is_optional in module_dependencies: try: dependency_alias = dependency_aliases[alias][dependency] except KeyError: dependency_alias = dependency if dependency_alias in modules: newdeps.append(dependency) continue if is_optional: continue if dependency not in missing: missing[dependency] = [] missing[dependency].append(alias) dependency_map[alias] = newdeps if not missing: return msglist = [] for dependency, dependants in missing.items(): msglist.append('%s (required by %s)' % (dependency, ', '.join(dependants))) raise ConfigurationError( __package__, 'Could not find the following dependencies:\n - ' + '\n - '.join(msglist)) def _sort_modules(dependency_map, dependency_aliases, operation): depsolv = DependencySolver() for alias, module_dependencies in dependency_map.items(): depsolv.add(alias) for dep in module_dependencies: if dep == 'score': continue if alias in dependency_aliases and dep in dependency_aliases[alias]: dep = dependency_aliases[alias][dep] depsolv.add(alias, dep) return depsolv.solve()