Source code for score.init.dependency

# vim: set fileencoding=UTF-8
# Copyright © 2015-2018 STRG.AT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
# This file is part of the The SCORE Framework.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are free software: you can redistribute
# them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which is in the
# file named COPYING.LESSER.txt.
# The SCORE Framework and all its parts are distributed without any WARRANTY;
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from .exceptions import DependencyLoop

[docs]class DependencySolver: """ A simple helper for resolving module interdependencies. Basic usage: .. code-block:: python solver = DependencySolver() solver.add_dependency('a', 'b') # a depends on b solver.add_dependency('b', 'c') # b depends on c solver.solve() # returns all modules in the order in which they # should be initialized: ['c', 'b', 'a'] """ def __init__(self): self._dependencies = dict() def add_dependency(self, from_, to=None): """ Add dependency from module *from_* to module *to*. If a module has no dependencies, you can still register it without a *to* argument to ensure that it is included in the result set of the solve() call. """ if from_ not in self._dependencies: self._dependencies[from_] = set() if to is not None: self._dependencies[from_].add(to) add = add_dependency def remove_dependency(self, from_, to): """ Removes a direct dependency. Does nothing, if there was no such dependency. """ if from_ not in self._dependencies: return self._dependencies[from_].difference_update({to}) def direct_dependencies(self, node): """ Provides the direct dependencies of a given node. """ return list(self.direct_dependencies_iter(node)) def direct_dependencies_iter(self, node): """ Same as :meth:`direct_dependencies`, but returns an iterator. """ if node not in self._dependencies: return yield from self._dependencies[node] def direct_dependents(self, node): """ Provides all modules that directly depend on this one. """ return list(self.direct_dependents_iter(node)) def direct_dependents_iter(self, node, *, __visited=None): """ Same as :meth:`direct_dependents`, but returns an iterator. """ if node not in self._dependencies: return for other, other_deps in self._dependencies.items(): if other == node or node not in other_deps: continue yield other def has_direct_dependency(self, from_, to): """ Tests, if given node *from_* has a direct dependency to node *to*. """ return from_ in self._dependencies and to in self._dependencies[from_] def solve(self): """ Solves the dependency system. """ sorted_ = [] dependencies = dict() for item, item_dependencies in self._dependencies.items(): if not item_dependencies: sorted_.append(item) else: dependencies[item] = item_dependencies for dep in item_dependencies: if dep not in self._dependencies: sorted_.append(dep) updated = True while updated: updated = False for item in list(dependencies.keys()): deps = dependencies[item] to_remove = deps.intersection(sorted_) if not to_remove: continue updated = True if to_remove == deps: sorted_.append(item) del dependencies[item] else: deps.difference_update(sorted_) if dependencies: item = next(iter(dependencies.keys())) loop = [item, dependencies[item].pop()] while loop[-1] not in loop[:-1]: loop.append(dependencies[loop[-1]].pop()) raise DependencyLoop(loop) return sorted_